Monday 17 May 2010


There are four main causes of baldness. First is the 'male pattern baldness'. This hair loss depends on two factors: male sex hormones and a genetic tendency to develop baldness. Baldness is a dominant gene among men and this means that if a man inherits the tendency to go bald from just one parent, then he will go bald. One in ten of all men will be completely or partially bald by the age of 25 years, while a third of all men show signs of male pattern baldness by the time they reach the age of 35. By the age of 50, nearly half of all men are bald or balding. Generally speaking the sooner the baldness starts the more severe it will be and if you've still got a pretty good head of hair by the age of 35 then you are likely to keep it for a good few years more. In the Second group are general disorders which cause hair loss as a secondary effect. A huge range of hormone disorders cause hair loss - menopausal problems and thyroid disorders being near the top of the list.

Pregnancy commonly causes hair loss too, and many women lose some hair after giving birth. Taking the contraceptive pill is another cause since this has an effect on the circulating sex hormone levels. Taking drugs can also cause hair loss, as can general disorders such as anemia. One of the most worrying forms of baldness, alopecia aerate, is said to be caused by worry and anxiety. Most commonly affecting young people in their teens and twenties alopecia aerates affects women just as much as it affects men.

It causes hair to fall out in handfuls, leaving bald patches all over the/scalp. Fortunately, this frightening hair root strike is usually a temporary problem: the hair normally grows again after a few months. But alopecia aerate is one of the few types of baldness that can develop very suddenly - within a few days. Third are the localized disorders such as ringworm, dandruff and eczema that produce baldness. These particu­lar problems need to be treated individually.

The Final type of hair loss affects women more than men, and includes cosmetic causes. Baldness can, for example, be caused by tight hair-styles which literally pull the hair out by the roots. This type of hair loss, known as traction alopecia, is usually produced by hair-styles such as pigtails, pony tails, braids and buns. It affects the hair at the front of the head and usually improves when the hair-style is changed for a looser one. Using stiff nylon bristled brushes can cause baldness, as can using a comb with rough teeth. Too much heat can also cause problems, so it is important to use hair-dryers and heated curlers with care. Chemicals used in bleaches, dyes, perms and hair straightening can all cause baldness if used carelessly or too often. So when we take proper care to our then we will always maintain the natural beauty without any hair loss.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Chicken Green Curry

Chicken without skin and fat is always an healthy protein rich food for all type of people even for person who are in diet and who are affected with diabetics. Chicken can be cooked on any type of version from simple blended ingredients to heavy spiced version. One type of different cooking chicken version is chicken green curry. Now lets the recipe.

To Serve: 4


Chicken(skinless) - 400 Gms.

Onion – 200 Gms

Curry powder – 1 teaspoon

Spices (cardamom, cinnamon, elaichi, anise) – as per taste

Oil – 50 ml

Salt – as per taste

To grind

Coconut – 1 piece

Fresh coriander – 1 bunch

Mint leaver – ½ bunch

Curry leaves – ½ bunch

Green chill – 4

Garlic – 3 medium cloves

Poppy seeds – ½ teaspoon


Cut and wash the chicken. Cut onion into fine pieces. Grind all the ingredients given to grind. Keep a heavy bottom pan in the stove let it heat then add oil once it is heated add the spices and fry till it changes color and then add cut onion to it and fry till light golden brown. Now add the curry powder then after an minute add the grinded mixture and add salt required for the whole dish. If the gravy content is thick add little water. Let the gravy cook well this process has to be done in low flame, after this add the chicken pieces and cook the food till the chicken is done. This is a semi gravy item goes good with toast, boiled or steamed rice or roti and chappati.

Friday 23 April 2010

Unknown Disease from Wheat/Oats

Certain varieties of food were acceptable to certain people which were not acceptable to some other people and that will be the reason for cause of some disease. There are so many unidentified problems occurs to human being and the experts were researched them and find out solution for the same. ‘Cheliyac’ is such an unidentified problem to human beings.

Food prepared from wheat, oats, parlie, millet etc are allergy to some people and their sufferings starts as vomiting, diarrhea, constipation which will lead to mouth ulcer and small intestine problems and finally danger to life. ‘Cheliyac’ is a problem which disturbs human beings initially likes above and finally leads to death. Further, ‘cheliyac’ Initially create type 1 diabetic problem in children was the latest research by scientists.

Why these problems occur?

‘Glutone’ a protein presents in wheat and certain grains which allergy to certain people. Foods prepared in these grains were problem creators to some people and scientists were not able to identify the reason for disease till date. Now, only it was identified that ‘cheliyac’ is the root cause for the disease, it will not shows its symptoms in earlier stage and when they grow old the disease will forcefully damage its patients according to scientists.

When ‘cheliyac’ attacks what to do?

If the problem comes small intestine will suffer seriously and its layers were damaged due its food digestion and segration of vitamin and minerals will not possible and hence resistance power eradicated from the body and so many problems starts. Liver will get damaged arthritis and thyroid cancer will attack. Doctors will treatment for the particular disease and they are unable to diagnose the cheliyac problems.

Symptoms of cheliyac

Digestion power will reduced and unable to digest grain varieties including wheat mouth ulcer will come; liver damage occur due to non-acceptance of lactox; hight will reduced and arthritis problem arise and body weight will reduced. Blood anemia occurs and stomach problem will come. The above problems are symptoms of cheliyac and it continued it is due to cheliyac only.

How to prevent

In western countries foods items are sold with inscription that it does not contain glutone protein like this in India also food grains to be sold without glutone protein and it only cure this problem.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Apple a Day for Healthy Life

In everybody daily routine life, we will meet some health problem. For example after the lunch or dinner somebody feels disturbing burp, stomach problem or pair and even somebody meets motion problem. If they take some unwanted or health less foods then they can meet these kind of problem. To avoid these kind of problem here we can see some good food habits. Definitely we should avoid taking medicines to make avoid these kind of problem. There are many natural way of treatments available. Always we need to find “Prevention is better than cure”. This Proverb suits for all problems, mostly for health related problems. Even some patient takes alchol to make digest of taken foods. This is a bad way to follow. If they take small level of alchol then there may be no problems. Some people get addicted by those kind of things. To avoid addiction from alchol and unwanted drugs and to avoid unwanted things in food and to get very good health, everyone needs to take fruits in their daily life. “Particularly a Apple in a day”.

Biological Name-Piras Meias. Pomesia it’s a family names for apple. Mostly apples are getting cultivated in cool places. Reddish black apples are very good for health and it gives good energy food the health. Apple purifies the blood. So that we need to take apple regularly in our life. In a research also they find reddish black apple is very good for health. Even we can find green, yellow apples. But in the research also they proved that reddish black skinned apple is very good for health.

Apple contains water, Protein energy, chlorophyll, malic acid, sitric acid, pasparas and it contain many organic acids. So it cures the digest problem which happens. And it cures all kind of stomach upsets. For alcholist, apple reduces the alchol content get mixed in blood. Viskey(one kind of alchol) contains lot of apple flavour in it. So those who are having a habit of drink visky can avoid drinking viskey if they eat lot of apple. Because the fruit apple contains the flavor of the alcoholic contents. So one who regularly take or eat apple can able to forget taking viskey in their life. Apple With the skin, purifies the human blood and it reduces acidic contents which contains in blood.

Those who having stomach upsets and any stomach problem, they can take apple juice without sugar to make themselves to come out from that problem. When we take sugarless apple juice, it convert hydrochloric acid into carbonic acid so that we can avoid digest problem. Malic acid in apple reduce problems in bowel system, and it defuse bactiria’s in digestive path. When we eat apple, it defuse bacteria’s and other Micro organs in our tongue. Aged person can remove the apple skin and eat so that they can eat easily. English proverb “Single Apple a day keeps the doctor away from our life”. All can eat apple. Diabetics patient can also take apple after consulting the doctor.

Avoid Kidney Stones

Actually as a human being we need to take plenty of water in a day. At least we need to take 3-4 liter of water in a day. This may total avoid stones in kidney so always we need to follow taking water regularly whether it may hot or cool. Salt content in human’s urinary bladder combinly makes salt stones in kidney. There are many reason that stone jet developed we can’t able to say any particular reason for and even we can’t able guess the sizes of that stones. One fourth of person gets affected by stone because of their family (Heritage). Size of the salt stones varies from a very small partials to even to the big size of a child head in an early stage it starts growing gradually and it get developed if array one haven’t take treatment properly in this modern world. Lot of treatments available for melting salt stones. But always we need to follow the precautionary step that we need to avoid the stones in our early stages. Simple method that avoids kidney stone is to take plenty of water in every one’s regular day. This is the best and only simple way to get avoid of kidney stones and even taking of water may avoid plenty of diseases.

The 4mm small size kidney stone which restored in kidney bladder it gets diluted automatically and it gets out from kidney. 4mm stone mostly get diluted automatically 90% of 4mm get diluted like this. But 6m.m kidney stones it worst get diluted like this. We need to take necessary step to get diluted. 20% of 6m.m kidney stones only get dissolved automatically. In a research shows that in taking water of 3-4 liter per day. Avoids 100% of kidney stones. And even take baniyanstem to avoid kidney stones.

Taking plenty of water can avoid kidney stones and even baniyanstem make avoid kidney stones. Regularly taking these kind of natural medicines help to avoid kidney stones. These are the ways that to prevent affected by kidney stone problem, it will not help in delayed stages. In the delayed stage of kidney stone they should take proper medicine to desolve the stones. Urine bladder is very small in size. So it get blocked by the stones. Some time the patient gets pain if they get big stones (above 4m.m).


In this above case those who are getting big stones like more than or equal to 6m.m range, they need to under go with any treatment otherwise they need to under go with surgery. Latest technology prove’s that remove kidney stones through the human remove kidney stones through the human skin. In this treatment, kidney stones get dissolved and it get removed through the skin. And even there are some other treatments like find the stones through small camera which inserted in kidney bladder and remove the stones. That small size camara helps to find kidney stone so they can easily remove the stones. Machine called kidney stone dissolver, help of this machine kidney stone can dissolved and it can be removed through the skin. In this some situation it has been designed by the researcher to make safety of all other human parts too. To avoid kidney stones every body should drink atleast 3-4 liter of water per day so that 2-3 liter of urine can be existed through this we can avoid kidney stones.

Monday 19 April 2010

Walking is a gift for Heart

In India day by day hear patients are increasing and here advised to restrict heart attack, muscle contraction and five a healthy life.

We should program our day routine life and allot time for every aspect; one has plan to attend his work; allot time for eating; playing and chat with your family members;

One should not life heavy articles in starting stage and avoid lifting otherwise lift the articles by sitting stage it will be more helpful to your heart.

While taking food one should enjoy the food and take it. Join with your friends and be tree with a smiling face and do not appear to be a reside person and should avoid loneliness, since the world is big enough to accommodate every body.

While hearing or viewing showing news we should be with firm heart and do not afraid. One should so to bed with good thoughts and believe that everything will be all right. A sound sleep will help of maintain healthy body.

Daily walk minimum 5 kames which will help you from heart problems. Exercise will be most helpful for our body. Walking will avoid any short of heart problems.

Fruits, vegetables, greens to be is in the food which contains energy and bread, chapatti, parotid to be taken without fat/oil to control cholesterol problem. Chicken, fish and fatless mutton are to be cooked and taken. these are not to be fried and taken. But with white membranes can be taken at any time.

Gents at the age of 35 and women at the age of 40 to be examined for heart and every year TMT to be excelled and for a peaceful life. Yoga and harmless natural foods and unnecessary habits to be avoided and live a peaceful life with good heart. According to medical research the above facts were beneficial to lead peaceful life.

Friday 16 April 2010

Take Care Of Stomach Please

While Purchasing Mobile Phone or a House /flat we take so much care in analyzing the purchase but at the same time we do not take care of our stomach. Taking anything at anytime is the latest culture developed among youngsters now-a-days and this practice spread among middle age also. Due to this irregular food habit & people are suffering from so many diseases.

Most of the people do not aware that what food to be take and what to be avoided. So food is the fundamental reason for all things. Due to irregular food habit, some problem like Diabetics attacks a patient, then only they began to take care of their food habits and it is essential to examine human body while crossing the age of 40 and after the testing results people has to control their food habits. Standard Food from standard hotels and standard water will help you to cut your Doctor Fees.

What Do You Know About Stomach: Do you know about stomach. If we know about the stomach and its functions, we will strictly follow according to it and will take food regularly at correct time. When we do not follow the same stomach automatically revert its functions and problem arises.

Diaphragm is a muscle that has between chestenol stomach and its lower end the small investine starts when food falls into the stomach automatically it functions as washing machine. For Digestion acid segregates and separates and transferred to various parts of our body. If oil and sugar exceeds its limit it will disturbs more. While taking food we should taste it and slowly take it and should not take hurrily which will resulted into the constipation and other problems.

Healthy Stomach: A Healthy stomach always segregates acid for digestion and timely food habit helps it. To preserve healthy stomach we should follow these:

  1. We should include vegetables and keerai in our food.
  2. We should restrict ghee roast, biscuits and ice cream.
  3. We should take fruits and avoid battled juices.
  4. We should take food from the standard Hotels.
  5. Allot time for eating like time allotted for work and should sleep to restore our body health. It is better to avoid going to bed immediately after eating.

If one follow these regularly they can avoid visiting Doctors.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Global Warming

Global warming as know to the recent very dangerous and hot topic of the world, because it is an common concept to be aware of all the mankind to protect ouself from the danger which has been created by our own activities. Global warming has changed the climatic way of earth which has been followed and happened by nature from the rise of human till date.

Global warming has been severely caused by some continious activities of the people like the usage and disposal of chemical based goods, usage of the un destroyable plastic, wastage created by the usage of petrolium products, abnormal usage of artificial over powerful lights and sound systems, microwave cooking, refrigirating, air conditioning and all the day today activities which lets out dangerous carbon propotion and all the gasses which affects the ozone layer will cause to an severe global warming. Some of the danger causing element to the nature is nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead etc.

So please beware of the nature and global warning and sane thyself and the future generation for whom we have to give this world as safe as we are prefering to live.Love the nature.